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Item Category: Accessories
Make: A and R Cambridge
Model: Tune Block SE
Age: 0 years 0 months
Condition (?): New
Voltage: N/A
Price New (if known): £ 0
Choice Hi-fi price: £ 270
Conditions of payment: Fixed
Image ( actual ) :
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Boston Audio Design  TuneBlocks SE

Additional Details:

TuneBlocks SE (includes cryogenically treated tungsten carbide bearing): (set of three - 1.5 inches high)

TuneBlocks utilize the uniquely low acoustic impedance of carbon graphite to efficiently drain mechanical energy from audio components, while simultaneously isolating the component from the shelf or table supporting it. You'll notice reduced transient smearing and increased resolution through the reduction of the components' noise floor. TuneBlocks also improve localization of instruments and create a wider and deeper sound stage. Use TuneBlocks with CD/DVD/SACD players, DACs, preamps, amps, turntables and even speakers ("S" model) to reveal detail and clarity you haven’t heard before. Unlike some other footer products, TuneBlocks offer gains anyone can hear without leaving a sonic signature of its own.

"...the tonal richness of the music eclipsed the previous standard set by the combination of Stillpoints on a Symposium Acoustics Svelte Shelf."

Rick Becker

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